Welcome to In The Swing!

Retro Rhythms, Hip Harmonies, Old Favorites Re-Imagined.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Our motto for 2014: We tweet not, neither do we twerk.

Well, thanks goodness that’s over. 2013, I mean. Don’t get me wrong, it was a great year for In The Swing. We had lots of gigs at our favorite places: Café Leila, Kensington Circus Pub, Westside Café, Le Bateau Ivre, and more. And a real highlight was our appearance in Irvine at the Folk Alliance Regional Western Conference (FAR-West), where we slept all day and played all night with many luminaries of the music world, including our good friends Houston & Jones.
But there was that little matter of the government shutdown. Not to mention the brouhaha over Obamacare, And then there was Miley Cyrus.

I could go on, but let’s talk about a cheerier subject. I recently visited Alan in his workshop: the floor was covered with tools, and sawdust was everywhere. Turns out he’s been constructing our new website at www.intheswing.net. Drop on by the site and check out the videos, as well as some tracks from our album Joy Spring (which you can also order, by the way!!).

We look forward to a swinging 2014 and hope you’ll join us from time to time. Your next opportunity will be at the Kensington Circus Pub at 389 Colusa in Kensington on Saturday, January 11, from around 8:15 till 10:30 or so.

Happy New Year from Stacey, Alan, Barry & Karl

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